the bright sun

Posted on Wednesday, October 14, 2009, under

...and the cold wind.

i hope my slesma is not getting worse because the performance will be 2mro. i was practicing yesterday outside at the badminton court for 2 hours. its not fun. aku pky sweater udah but anginnya kuat. the korean guy is still having flu. nasty weather. this is the start of winter season in Beijing. then the 'pro' dtg to watch and then judge our performance. hhhmmm....movements is ok but how the storyline is express is not right. krg lg kmi practice right after aku class.

yup aku ada class today! finally aku ada class. im bored of tahan2 dlm bilik and studying maths for the whole day.

above is ezat. ia sakai kn beskype sal ia ada laptop baru, HP yo~. HAAHAHAHAHA. then i used effects then he gt more sakai. he couldnt find the webcam console. ezat ezat ezat.

eh im waiting for 23.10!!! hahahaa aku excited. blame adik lina for this! at first aku inda kn join but then clina yg d uk atu ckp something yg logic. even cGuo pun ckp this is like the only opportunity. so yea i decided to buy it!! hahaha alom plg ku mbli but aku baru inform that aku join.

all the single ladies(all the single ladies..) =D


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