
Posted on Thursday, October 22, 2009, under

yesterday i was veli veli tired. aku ada 8am class untill 10am..then a few hours b4 my nextclass i did some revision. i really have a lot to catch up. my afternoon class starts at 1pm untill 4:45pm. my teacher keep on giving reports to do. and i LOVE it! reports keep me BUSY. as soon as class finished aku ada 1hr to eat dinner and balik dorm tukar buku.

*mengeluh* aku ada class mlm from 6-9pm yesterday. how was the class?ok lah..but i need to talk sma lecturer atu sal aku foriegn student. tulisan nya LAWA! mcm aku inda recognize any strokes..mcm lukisan wah tulisannya ah. but luckily classmate ku tulung aku. 3hours of class with 6 HOMEWORKS!!! gila~ lw tani urg brunei kana bg 6 hw atu mcm ngusut tu arah cigu, tp kwn2 ku relek sja. d mna kh durg ada msa kn mbuat hw atu.

after class aku ada 2hrs untuk redo my 2nd report. mcm memerah utak tu d mlm ah. half page jd 3 pages report ah atupun aku inda puas ati. tp this 3rd report i'll do my best. after ngantar hw thru a website aku slajur mengampai..mcm laptop ku inda shutdown. aku alom mndi apa. plan bangun kul 11pm skali kul 7 wah ku bangun. nyaman bnr tdur ku.

ok msani aku memahami how chinese students enjoy their life. ani 5 facts yg ku dpt lah klamarin 1)11pm kira akhir sudah bg durg 2)6am bangun 3)tdur tghhri is a must 4)durg slalu buat revision. 5)durg suka participate in class. hhhmmm..and classmate ku sorg MACAM JASON! seriously ia pandai. yg mbaut ia diff from jason is ia pemalu.

i think, before ani classmate ku galak kn aku sal im their first foreign friend. mayb durg inda tau cna kn communicate. tp yesterday everythihng change. durg open dah. and aku baru tau in my cass ada 23 chinese and 2 int. students. and aku inda ingt siapa classmates ku.

my 2nd plant bebunga dh!! haha! inda lg lma ada 2nd bunga. pandai aku mnjaga atu. bakat turun temurun toh. manis tgn ku =p

ive to go to canteen then attend class sampai 9pm.


2mro is B'day!!!!! excitedddddd

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