good morning~
sunny day readers! this is a day where we have to go out and feel the warm of Beijing while it is warm. yesterday me and Guo went out in the morning and took some photos at the south gate. the weather was great, sadly, we were tired by noon due to empty stomach. the pictures turn out great! very very nice. we tried some new lense of diff!! im startin to like taking photos now. AHEM2!!!
while we were out, the rest stayed in the dorm watching the National Day performance. all i can say is their 60th celebration is HUGE!!! it took hours. they also had 'tanglong' and the changing pattern. ah-mey-zeng. i think u can watch it in Youtube or something. they had their closing ceremony at night! ada opera tia apa. dancing etc etc. they really know how to use their people. hhmm..they amazed me for the 2nd time after the Olympic.
im suppose to accompany my fren to Summer Palace bh today but i decided not to. ive a report to hand in b4 22nd. i know its still early. ive to choose several software then use them, compare them : list the advantage, disadvantage, friednly or not, whats the extra thing, which one do i like etc. cigu ku ani lg demanding!!! klamarin students yg antar report awal kana marahi sal durg punya report inda clear. all i did was laughing sal cali wa mliat muka cigu and classmate kna marah. haha...i also have to mengulangkaji maths and computer. hhhmmm...
klamarin maghrib and isya aku sembahyang d Masjid Madian. its a 20mins less walk from my uni. aku tkjut yg only a few yg smbhyg sna padahal d luar masjid atu smua restaurant islam. hhhmm..but time isya ramai lah sikit dpd maghrib. aku yg out brabis lah sal durg smbhyg pakai stokin. and lps smbhyg durg inda bca wirid, durg smbhyg sunat, lps atu bru doa. aku bangang plg but i stick to what we do in Brunei.
den tmpt wudhu nya pyh, durg pakai bucket -_- siapa yg perah k masjid d China atu mayb tau cna usulnya. bnr2 pyh lah bewudhu..baik g bewudhu awal..arini ari jumaat so aku k sna lah krg tghhri. aku inda tau wa sna ada masjid, yg introduce aku ada masjid si Kembar~ ada kambar yo d sni! dari India. durg kembar and islam. yg mbg sasak durg pakai baju yg sama everyday. ada msaritu, sorg ani masuk k dapur wa, den aku atu k jamban den nmpk g sorg. aku freak out like "eh bukan ia d dapur td kn?" mcm sib**** ku bepikir leh durg. lw bckp sma durg yg siuknya durg ani happy go lucky...senyum je..
bh itu je. ive a software to analyse.
sunny day readers! this is a day where we have to go out and feel the warm of Beijing while it is warm. yesterday me and Guo went out in the morning and took some photos at the south gate. the weather was great, sadly, we were tired by noon due to empty stomach. the pictures turn out great! very very nice. we tried some new lense of diff!! im startin to like taking photos now. AHEM2!!!
while we were out, the rest stayed in the dorm watching the National Day performance. all i can say is their 60th celebration is HUGE!!! it took hours. they also had 'tanglong' and the changing pattern. ah-mey-zeng. i think u can watch it in Youtube or something. they had their closing ceremony at night! ada opera tia apa. dancing etc etc. they really know how to use their people. hhmm..they amazed me for the 2nd time after the Olympic.
im suppose to accompany my fren to Summer Palace bh today but i decided not to. ive a report to hand in b4 22nd. i know its still early. ive to choose several software then use them, compare them : list the advantage, disadvantage, friednly or not, whats the extra thing, which one do i like etc. cigu ku ani lg demanding!!! klamarin students yg antar report awal kana marahi sal durg punya report inda clear. all i did was laughing sal cali wa mliat muka cigu and classmate kna marah. haha...i also have to mengulangkaji maths and computer. hhhmmm...
klamarin maghrib and isya aku sembahyang d Masjid Madian. its a 20mins less walk from my uni. aku tkjut yg only a few yg smbhyg sna padahal d luar masjid atu smua restaurant islam. hhhmm..but time isya ramai lah sikit dpd maghrib. aku yg out brabis lah sal durg smbhyg pakai stokin. and lps smbhyg durg inda bca wirid, durg smbhyg sunat, lps atu bru doa. aku bangang plg but i stick to what we do in Brunei.
den tmpt wudhu nya pyh, durg pakai bucket -_- siapa yg perah k masjid d China atu mayb tau cna usulnya. bnr2 pyh lah bewudhu..baik g bewudhu awal..arini ari jumaat so aku k sna lah krg tghhri. aku inda tau wa sna ada masjid, yg introduce aku ada masjid si Kembar~ ada kambar yo d sni! dari India. durg kembar and islam. yg mbg sasak durg pakai baju yg sama everyday. ada msaritu, sorg ani masuk k dapur wa, den aku atu k jamban den nmpk g sorg. aku freak out like "eh bukan ia d dapur td kn?" mcm sib**** ku bepikir leh durg. lw bckp sma durg yg siuknya durg ani happy go lucky...senyum je..
bh itu je. ive a software to analyse.