3rd year

Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, under



let me introduce to u my baby, Yuele Club. This club is officially open and the registration date is nearly close. Alhamdulillah mendapat sambutan yg baik. hehehe. we are going to have our 1st meeting next week before the National Day break. And after a week of holiday we gona start our hardwork to get on the big stage in december. Other than that, yesterday I received good news from the BEIJING TV! they wanted us to join a competition. All of us are eager to join but we have to think of our schedule.


my schedule is quite packed!  kn menangis pun inda wah...merungut ganya ni kmi sni ah. ada tia lg dancing practice stiap malam yg kusung sampai pukul 8pm. sikit lg kana ambil weekend ah mun inda nada rehat.

allowance alom kluar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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