Student life is back

Posted on Monday, September 13, 2010, under

46601_1555979051794_1004749371_1588701_2905379_nBruneian in Beijng (Embassy officers+studetns+family members) 


yes! first day of class is quiet exciting~ my classmates keep on askin’ me why i didnt attend class yet last week. even today, 30mins before class started my friend call me and asked “ ko arini dtg ke class kn?” ceh indakan aku escape class. i arrived class so ealy and sit at the 3rd row. Statistics and Possibility class is much more fun than  Adnvance maths!!! laoshinya very very clear bckp. so i’m kinda happy with that class.

i didnt eat breakfast and lunch today since aku inda lapar so i didnt went to the canteen. time aku kn masuk bilik dorm, anthony(roomm8 ku dulu) nampak aku and said.."

”kai luo…..” ceh manja nya tone. “ko ada class ptg ani?”
“ptg ani k international student nulung2..”
”cgu nada panggil aku pon~~ so inda pyh lah..” aku bnrnya kn bljr last week punya stuffs wah.
”eh aku bckp bagi pihak cgu nyuruh kau k sna.”

kambing!!!! so dgn tidak rela aku k nyambung kraja volunteer ku sblh ptg. ngalih jua lah sal ramai students. gggrrrrrr!!!

aku msani masih milih night class..i still need one more class to fill one more night…so lw ku dpt that class i’ll be free on monday and wednesday night sja. isnt that good??? hahahaha msani masih bincang2 sma  my frens lah cna…

for dinner aku mkn instant noodles buatan Hendy Chen. ahahahaha aku slalu k rumahnya lw mkn maggie~ nyaman~ sedap~

and td tghhri aku mbli basikal lg!!! murah lah dpd basikal ku b4 ani and ala2 sports bike. black colour tp cool berabis..and tadi aku mbli pengunci nya yg mahal spaya inda kana curi..kapisan tu ah mun kna curi.

so slmt mlm people. wana mandi and watch tv slajur tdur. i need to sleep as early as 11am thsi semester(according to an artocle that my mom gave my when i had my fever, its good for heart.)


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