
Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2010, under

assalamualaikum saudara,


lately my life is hectic!..ive 8 classes in total..from monday to friday, i only free on monday night and full on the rest. so far classes are ok with new teachers and old classmates. today i attended a minor class, “Life Education For Successful Living”. the class was AWESOME!!!!!!!! tp ada H/Ws dah. tu nah textbook kmi. 2mro my class will starts at 1pm-4pm and 6pm to 9pm…GILA 3 HOURS PUNYA CLASS!!!

thnx to my kazakhstan fren for the Dark Choc!! aku mkn sikit bru sal nada mood kn makan ah lately.

k lah, gona mandi and rehat2 sja..mayb buat h/w or liat tv…i prefer buat hw di siang hari.


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