its time to decide for this semester

Posted on Monday, September 14, 2009, under

me. today. 14.9.09. 8.48pm.

Alhamdulillah the problem settled. what problem? the classess appear on my web is for the 2nd year student. and rupanya durg salah taruh. durg ckp, " ure suppose to be the 1st year student lastyer but u didnt attend." so ive to explain how my years in Beijing. Phew! nasib durg buat correction b4 dude date.

i think im going to share the choices that i have:

1 - Basic uses of Computer
2 - *ahem* language OR *ahem* language (tiqah *wink*)
3 - english language
4 - swimming (no credit so i wont choose this)
5 - maths (a must! 6 credit yo!)
6 - sports culture(???)
7 - Principle of Management
8 - economis(NO!)
9 - 思想道德修养与法基础(aku inda pandai translate)

to choose my class for this sems ive meet the head of the department again. td ia nada ah. garam ati ku. other than that, ive to know the least amount of credit that i should get for this semester.


its going to be very very very extremely hard. i can feel the struggle of non-stop studying already. i dont know whether course ku atu ada international student lain or inda, i hope ada..but yg ku tau im going to lecturers with the chinese. tkut aku~

honestly aku tired today. been working at the registration building since the morning. the air was quiet cool compare to yesterday. oh teacher kept asking my fren whether i want to participate in a china dance performance for the National day. Honestly aku MAU. psl this is my 1st yer, and i know its going to be hectic, inda plg ada class mlm but still ive no time.

aku mau ikut so that i can promote Brunei.

but ive made my decision not to participate and focus on my degree untill everything is steady. Kwn ku Vietnam atu participate(not really, kana suruh lah) in a speech performance for the opening ceremony of new students.

my blog abit boring kn?no pictures apa. alom ku ngambil ngambar arah kwn ku. life isnt the same as b4. sorg2 busy with their life dah.


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