
Posted on Thursday, September 17, 2009, under

i told you that im going to take 2 languages for this semester. unfortunately, lps ku pikir2 "why should i take another language if my chinese isnt that good?" so i decided not to take *happy tia ctiqah lw inda bljr jipun ku dh* for now im going to focus on my chinese no matter what.

finally finally, aku ada 4 classes sja for this semester. i know its sedikit, even kwn2 ku ckp sedikit. aku beuri plg sni psl classes sal sedikit class = sedikit credit = inda graduate. tp my teacher ckp 4 classes atu ok sudah. mayb yg aku pilih atu smua yg important. total 15 credit sja..

*sigh* aim for 15 credits!!!!* 加油

this week aku relek and enjoy berabis sal nxtweek aku start class. aku excited kn masuk class sal kwn2 ku d dorm ani smua ada class dh. yatah aku mcm jobless. this week last puasa so..

ujung minggu aku celebra8 d rumah uncle roslan and outing sma durg. then ive to give 亲人 a call to hear their Hari Raya preparation. aku alom buat apa2 preparation. nxtweek monday aku ready2...apa juanya menerikah.

btw freegate ku laju msani so aku happy.

slmt mlm. assalamualaikum. tambigh *vietnamese for bye2*

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