This time is going to be the best and, sadly the worse December I’ll have. The things that lead to the worse is EXAM! my exam starts early which is in the 3rd week. All of us started to get this brain working hard.
The best comes from the events!
this week is ASEAN LADIES CIRCLE CHARITY GALA DINNER. Yesterday we had our 1st rehearsal with the other participants in the show: each ASEAN countries will show their traditional dress. It was so tiring since there are a lot of changes in an hour but the fun part is when we got to know new friends from each countries. Except from Laos because representing them is Guo. HAHA!
17th December, another big event in the Uni, The 60th Anniversary China welcomes foreign students. Our performance is nearly ok, just left the polishing, vocal, and costume. This friday and saturday we have a gathering for costume fitting and practice.
Overall this December will be better than the last one!