this month I’ve been sleeping at around 1am, hah its not a good habit. there are so many emotional stuffs as a result of the weather change. its cold, very windy. even now I can hear the wind blowing. ada yg stress sal hw banyak etc etc. for me, banyak group project whether in the class or outside class, smua ada. so basically my days are the same except for weekend.
every weekend we try to go find some fun outside the school, shopping kah, mkn kah, sight-seeing kah, liat movie kah. ive to admit that Ive spent a lot. last week kmi liat harry potter 7 and bali sweater 囧.
ada msanya at night durg buka air to water the plants, then in the morning ani kejadiannya, baku 0_0 the weather is ok sni if inda mostly berangin and inda cool!
ggrrrrrrrrrr! end of november sudah and exam is in a month! kapisan. in the morning we are busy with classes kdg2 sampai mlm,den if class ends at 9pm we went to study /buat hw apa. kdg2 ada yg sampai ada yg sampai tetidur kengalihan.
yth group project yg kmi busy since early nov. one of our teacher suruh kmi bedagang, this project challenges our strategic managing skills. alhamdulillah profits banyak and I try to extend them to this weekend wlwpun durg mau stop sal kn concntr8 buat 2nd group project which is interviewing~