everything is great yesterday until someone just spoiled it!

Posted on Friday, April 02, 2010, under

my dad is in China!!! he's in shenzhen, jauh nun d selatan~ uhu ada possibility turun k BJ ke?im free for 4 days ni sampai selasa...hahaha i thought urg china wah sal ngalih sja ku be 'wei..'. skalinya 'assalamualaikum..." toing~ hahahaha have fun there!!!

do u know the fashion show that the uni organize?baru last 2 days durg taruh the poster yg berjudul "want to be a super model? Be Confident!" i was like is that the show or they have another one????awu aku udah accept, cant reject sal kwn ku atu sampai tpun aku. and yesterday she asked me when i'm free to have a meeting.

girls are very amazing. 1st dr buzz, islam and tiqah talking infront of em and amsyar. then buzz nina and pillah talking infront of me. and then my inni fren talking infront of 3 boys. oh my what happened to the world~

off to class~


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