Economics…tak minat le tp I’ve no choice but to attend this class.
Something shocked us today in Eco class…
During our first break, we were busy doing maths homework. Yes yes this is typical us, doing other subjects hw in other subject class. I was stucked at question six wah, setiris plg jua sal inda mau lurus jwpn..
skali dlm sibuk2 mbuat kraja, lagu dmainkan…
“Early morning…She wakes up….With a knock, knock, knock on the door..”(lagu Britney spears, lucky)
aku tebranti nulis and me and my firend besides me looked at each other. We LOL! Baruth 1st time ni cigu masang lagu urg putih dlm class. Lagu Britney spears lg tu!!!
thnx to Amal yg d NZ atas Novel yg diberi kpd saya. saya baru baca beberapa puluh muka surat. hehehe thnx mal!!!
salam. tdor. buat hw.~ esok pg ada kelas..No~