Im departing soon to the airport in one hour, hopefully, landing safely later at night. Going to spend around 2 days down south where there is no heater during winter, the indoors are colder and the weather is better. 2 guys are going to seek what is interesting down there. Hopefully we don’t get lost in Kunming Province. Luckily I bought “China Tour Guide book” back in Singapore last time.
Strolling around that big province for 2 days isn’t enough but Kunming is not our main destination for this holiday actually. On the 28th i’m going to place where people said “apa ada d sna atu?”. I’ll answer your question when im back or if ive time to blog/chat. Still I haven’t decide for how long I’ll be staying in Loas.
Loas, I told you that this is one of the country that I wanted to go…finally im going there. Sadly im not going to Vietnam or Combodia. Fortunately Thailand is in the list. =D ok readers. I’ve to pack the last bit of it and then im ready to set a journey!
*Im going to open my China line and Brunei Line. You can text me up betanya kabar or apa, but if minta kirim atu ahaa~~~ pyh sikit. execption for some people *