every semester, there is a Graduation Day held after the End of year exam. this is where students receive their certificate from the university and medals for the selected ones. Below are the pictures of the ceremony.
they are my friends from ur left: wu tng ting(balik thai sudah),edwinda(next week balik indon) and edwina's sister.
these 3 indonesians sudah balik today: victor and wu you lian this morning at 6am. albert at 1pm. oho i miss them already.
some of the international students. some of them sudah balik.
she was my 1st listening teacher. she's the one who keep on supporting me since the start. her name is Lina, Lina laoshi. there was a day where we write a piece of letter to her and she wrote us back. do you want me to share the letter that she gve me?