There are so many ways to eat/drink this medicine. The most common one is by drinking. Put this fruits inside hot water then drink it. my teacher, she put it inside her tea. its easy. Wolfberry has so many benefit to our health. search it on google. Other than this fruit, you also can eat red colour fruits for example tomato.

Its better to cure this early to avoid the consequences. trust me you dont want to know what low blood pressure can do to your organ(kidney,heart,brain). onen of my aunt has low blood pressure mun ku inda salah, yatah aku inda brpa beuri sal mayb keturunan.
Oolong Tea(click)

Benefit to healt:
- Prevent tooth decay and atopic dermatitis
- controllng obesity.
- something to do with kidney
- good for skin(awet muda lah kirakan)
padan th aku nampak buda lately, rupanya minum Oolong Tea =P oPS!hahaha this tea is quiet expansive tho but cmon health is important than money.
mlm ani aku sma bisdorg mliat 'Exorcism of Emily' huhu yatah kn mandi awal den bru mliat.
slmt mlm assalamualaikum.