
Posted on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, under

today is all about the great places in China. Ive to go to this two places, very important places : Xi'an and Yunnan. I recommend you readers to go there, trust me its beautiful and historical.

My friend told me that we have holiday on the 4th-6th april. in my mind "xi'an or yunnan?" "xi'an is nearer than yunnan..." " but yunnan is beautiful." pikir punya pikir...atl ast the place that ive chosen is UNFORTUNATELY NOT THE ABOVE PLACES.

ANNOUNCEMENT! family members and friends, on the 3rd to 5th of april Khairul wont be in Beijing. He and his 7 indonesian friends will go to DALIAN!!!! hahahaha! i never thought that i'll go there~ ah demi white speaker ku~ aku sudi k sna~

the places that i want to visit are..(untuk cdyg):-

1) zhongshan square
2) Tianjin jie
3) Labor Park(kn begmbr sma bula basar)
4) Sun Asia Ocean World (mau liat ikan)
5) Tiger beach Scenic Area
6) Dalian bay~
7) Uni mu!!!
8) Japanese-Russian Prison(dpt dpt???)

im very excited! hey i already bought the ticket for RMB890. naik kapal terabang ku ni spaya save masa. ^_^ ok urg d Dalian, untuk kedatangan Urg dari Beijing, sedia2kan apa yg patut ye~


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